We are at Monteith Row, Glasgow, G40 1AY
Nearest train stations:
Bridgeton train station is a 10-13 minute walk to us.
Argyle train station is a 12 -15 minute walk to us.
Email: hello@sunnycycles.org.uk
Phone: 07724100521
Sunny Cycles runs activities from Glasgow Green, Victoria Park & Maryhill.
We have lessons, skills sessions and rides, and have bikes and helmets available for people to use.
Scroll down to pick your activity from our locations below and book your space using the book now links. If you are not sure, then get in touch with us.
If you are interested in organising a group booking then please contact us at hello@sunnycycles.org.uk.
Tue: |
Led Ride 10:30am-1pm from McLennans Arch on Glasgow Green |
Wed: |
Conversation Cycle for New Scots, Bike Skills and Ride 2pm - 5pm at Monteith Row, Glasgow Green |
Fri: | Led Ride 10am-2pm from McLennans Arch on Glasgow Green (winter 10.30) | Book |
Women's Ride 11am-1.30pm at Monteith Row, Glasgow Green | Book | |
Sat: |
Cycling lessons for children and adults 11am-2pm @ Monteith Row, Glasgow Green |
Tue: |
Beginners bike skills 9.30am-10.30am at Victoria Park |
Beginners ride 11am-1pm at Victoria Park |
Wed: |
Led Ride 10am-1pm from Victoria Park (meet next to the toilets / cafe) |
Book |
Sat: |
Longer ride 1st Sat of the Month 10am-2pm from Victoria Park |
Regular Saturday Ride 10:30-12:30 from Victoria Park (not on 1st Sat of the month) |
Mon: | Led Ride 10am-1pm at Maryhill Burgh Halls | Book |
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